Thursday, November 13, 2008

Happy Birthday, Jen!

I hope you have wild and crazy plans ready for the weekend, or maybe just a wonderful stack of books and a never-ending pot of coffee!


holdenj said...

Yes, Happy Birthday to you!

If you were closer, we could all share that pot of coffee!! Maybe some year....

Hope you've had a great day!

Doc Jen said...

I'm thinking the fertile plots ladies (did I just use the term ladies?) should gather at some literary location (or maybe just some location). What I want to say is we should see each other in person more often.

For now, thanks for the birthday wishes. I got an awful sinus infection for my birthday (so lost my voice halfway through class this afternoon). However, was able to zip over to my doctor after class, got some antiobiotics, and am now looking forward to dinner with my mom, sis, and friends.

(However, I may have to resort to sign language!)

crossons said...

Let's do that! Whenever we go, it'll be for Jen's birthday. I think that sounds like a fabulous idea! where? When??

I hope you feel better!

julienj said...

Happy Birthday, Jenny! Hope those antibiotics do you right.

It would be great to all get together. Suggestions for times/places?