Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jane Austen & Baseball

You have to sit through some other fun "tip of my hat/wag of my finger" items to get to Jane Austen's connection with baseball but it's worth the wait:



Amy Adams said...

Oh, Mr. Darcy--where are you?

I think the Superman curl is also quite fetching.

Thanks for the laugh!

julienj said...

This is hilarious - I'm so glad Jane Austen wasn't first, so I could see the green pope. Totally worth it.

Amy Adams said...

I had to post it on my blog as well, but I did post your URL and credit you as my source!

Doc Jen said...

I was so excited that I figured out how to put a clip in my blog posting so I'm glad you've enjoyed it. I've been watching a lot of Colbert these days because I'm DVR-ing it. His website is full of funny clips and I find myself enjoying him more and more.

julienj said...

I've heard so much about him, but I'm embarrassed to admit that this was the first time I've seen him. Not quite up there with "I haven't read King Lear," but close! Luckily I'm not on a tenure line, so it won't be revoked.

julienj said...

I just saw this morning that there will be a Colbert Christmas special with music by Adam Schlesinger!

holdenj said...

Oh, that sure made my afternoon!

And I bow to your computer prowess, DJ! Nice job adding a video to the blog post!