Friday, September 5, 2008

Darius 2.0

Welcome, Darius 2.0!

Well, sort of. We had a new addition to the family this weekend... a little black kitten! He does have white socks and a white "bib", so not exactly like Darius. But he does knead!

Story in brief: my aunt lives on the edge of a small town. She always has wild cats coming and going. She's seen 3 or 4 litters this summer. A few weeks ago, a tiny kitten with its eyes matted shut was wandering around alone. They watched for a day, then intervened - Mama cat was obviously no where around. Long story short, my mother and aunt maneuvered to get my kids attached to this kitten! He's incredibly people oriented, especially for these wild kittens who are very skittish.

His name is Roscoe, and about 8 weeks old. The kids are having fun!

This has really nothing to do with books or gardens, but figured you'd all want to know anyway....


julienj said...

What a cutie! A and T just oohed and aahed over the photo and started chanting "Ros-coe, Ros-coe!" (We just came back from a morning of soccer games, so I think that they're in cheering mode.) I can't imagine not having cats in our house, so I'm always glad to hear when other people adopt them.

holdenj said...

Oh, Roscoe is indeed a cutie! I admit to a moment of apprehension when I saw the Darius heading--I think Roscoe if a fine name for a young cat. The original D. never did like me very much.

crossons said...

The original Darius didn't like very many people, so you should feel in good company! And, those he loved, he REALLY loved!

julienj said...

Hopefully Roscoe won't channel Darius' interest in licking wool sweaters! We were just talking about this the other day - odd behaviors by some cats. Gracie has a thing for plastic bags, and will chew holes in them. Madcat used to chew through wires of a certain gauge; I had to replace my answering machine cord several times. Iris loves to sit in boxes, even if they're very small and she has to sit upright with her bottom barely fitting in.

Doc Jen said...

I'm sorry I've been neglecting fertile plots and see what I missed. Roscoe is adorable.

I have to agree that Darius was not a very friendly cat. I still have a mental picture of Scot Covey fending him off with an oven mitt. However, I also feel very guilty (still) over his untimely death in Iowa City.

Yet, the black cats that have come after Pedro and then Ben& Booker have been everything he was not--charming, friendly, and not interesting in wool. Ipod earbuds are another matter altogether.

Anyway congrats on the newest memmber of your family. Kittens are fun, no?

Doc Jen said...

Okay, please ignore my typing disability. Apparently, you can't edit comments. ARghhh.