Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters

Oh my.

I just don't know what could be next. But I'm a little surprised they didn't go with Persuasion for the sea monsters, what with all that travelling to Bath and that nasty sea wall. I bet Wentworth could handle those sea monsters.


julienj said...

But "Persuasion and Sea Monsters" just doesn't have that nice alliteration.

It sounds like you're halfway there with the plot already, though. Is there some monstrous sea creature that starts with a P? Pilot whale just doesn't sound scary enough.

holdenj said...

Persuasion and Puffer fish?

julienj said...

Persuasion and Plankton?

holdenj said...

Speaking of Sea Monsters, there was an article in today's paper--it's the tenth anniversary of Sponge Bob!!

Persuasion and Patrick?

julienj said...

Best suggestion yet!

Doc Jen said...

You guys crack me up!