Sunday, February 10, 2008

Pride and Procrastination

I am attempting to watch tonight's presentation of "Pride and Prejudice" on PBS, as I am currently reading the book and "Lost in Austen" (very amusing, by the way). I fear I am unable to do it justice at this point - one just CANNOT enjoy Colin Firth appropriately when ones CHILDREN are watching it with you. I feel the fine points of the film are over their heads, thank goodness, and that they are merely using it to procrastinate for the inevitable bedtime. Alas, I fear I will not be able to focus appropriate attention to this film at this time and must return anon.


holdenj said...

What a fun night! Two more Sundays to go!

Well, it didn't hold my kids attention for the whole of it either! S. went and showered and then came back and had to be caught up on all the family connections! J. was on the computer during most of it.

It's a shame they weren't more interested, because it is such a nice production of P&P. We were glued to "Bleak House", all three of us, for what was it, eight weeks or something? They both loved it.

julienj said...

P&P was my first Austen, read in high school English class. I remember enjoying it, and I was a veteran of Masterpiece Theatre by then, but I don't know that I would've actively sought out film versions of Austen novels when I was 16 or so. (This was before I knew about Colin Firth.)

I agree that it's difficult to swoon when one's family is present :-)

Doc Jen said...

For what it's worth, the first DVD I bought when I got my DVD player a few years back was the boxed set of Pride & Prejudice (Colin Firth edition). I think I also brought Bridget Jones Diary . . . hmmm. Nice connection there.

I guess one advantage of being single and kidless is that you can feel free to lust after Colin Firth at any time without fear of embarrassment. :)