Sunday, August 17, 2008

More books online

A fellow bibliophile recommended two websites... I haven't spent much time on them, but they look fun!

  • - enter a title or author to get suggestions of other books

  • - enter an author and get a display of writers' names with your pick in the center. lots of new ideas - !

John Kennedy Toole shows up closest to Michael Chabon, ok, but Katie Fforde showing up next to Laurie R. King? Not so sure about that! Anyone find any other interesting connections?


holdenj said...

Oh, those are both really cool, I am bookmarking them to explore with more depth later!

I did Jasper Fforde on the lit-map one, and two of the more interesting ones were Katie Fforde (again) and Philippa Gregory...maybe because they're all British??? Certainly some different genres going on there!

Unknown said...

I just (finally!) got a chance to look at these. I love the way Literature Map spreads out, as if the individual authors are deciding/figuring out where they stand in relation to one another. I will need to explore these more in depth!