Saturday, November 17, 2007

Do Good, Improve Vocabulary

Daughter came home with this cool website -

According to the site, it has two goals:

  1. Provide English vocabulary to everyone for free.
  2. Help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free.
Check it out. Donate rice. See if you can raise your vocabulary level.... I won't print mine here quite yet.


Doc Jen said...

Now I know why I did so well on the SAT's. I'm the queen of "guessing." I managed to get 600 grains of rice before I got tired and I learned some good words along the way.

julienj said...

Greek and Latin finally came in handy...though I only got to 320 before I got distracted (me, distracted??) and found myself elsewhere.

holdenj said...

Yet another fascinating way to pass time on the computer! You'd really have to do this a while...they're saying grains of rice, right?
Maybe it will still be up and running for SAT practice for J. in Jan!

Amy Adams said...

I got up to over 700 grains before I had to stop. This is a great word builder. But how come the words seemed easier at the higher levels? I got up as high as level 46, which means. . .anything? Nothing?

Fun though.

julienj said...

I saw in the FAQ that the first few words are a way to establish your level; from there, the more words you get right, the harder the words it throws at you. If you get some wrong, it drops the level again. I saw this happen when I got a string of words derived from Germanic rather than Graeco-Roman roots :)