Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Happy Birthday, DocJen!

Many happy returns of the day to you, and may you enjoy a good book and a glass of wine this evening!


julienj said...

Happy Birthday, DJ! I suppose I should try to connect this to depictions of birthdays in literature, but nothing pops to mind. Oh, wait, Bella' 18th birthday party at the Cullens' in New Moon - hope your day does not involve a party with a family of vampires, no matter how hot they are :)

holdenj said...

I thought about you today and was glad someone already started a today is your birthday post/toast!

Happy Birthday! Enjoy the rest of your day!

Doc Jen said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes. Unfortunately, I spent much of the day reading student essays (Monday through Wednesday is the most hectic part of my week) but I did do the work in a lovely coffee shop with a tasty vanilla latte to aid the process.

As for birthday book references, I thought immediately of The Dark is Rising when Will Stanton finds out on his eleventh birthday that he is the last of the "Old Ones." [I think I'm still mourning the sucky movie version of my favorite book.] Unfortunately, I did not discover I had magical powers when I turned XX . . . except maybe the power to not feel XX.

Thanks guys. I look forward to another year of book chats.

julienj said...

I guess I could make a Dark is Rising joke about learning on your birthday that you were, in fact, one of the Old Ones...(ducking and running)

julienj said...
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Doc Jen said...

So true, so true. I can't decide if having students who were born the year I graduated from college keeps me young or makes me feel really @!?X**% old . . . maybe a little of both.

julienj said...

I know what you mean. One of my students suggested that I join Facebook, which made me feel like I was part of the young crowd, but then I began to wonder if that would just be creepy. Young at heart, or just delusional??

Doc Jen said...

Actually, there's a big conversation about this going on WCENTER (the listserv for writing center folk) about using My Space and Facebook. That is, teachers are starting to create Facebook accounts as a way to keep in touch with students (who according to an article in Slate are using email less and less) but then boundaries are blurred. As a teacher, do I really want to know that the reason Johnny wasn't in my class last Thursday was because he was out doing bong hits? Hmm.

A young tutor invited me to have a Facebook account and I did create one but then promptly lost the password so now I can't get into it. I have a "My Space" too but I don't think I've looked at it since August. Clearly, not the technology of choice for our generation. :)