Monday, December 10, 2007

A, B, C, D...

My brother arrives in less than two weeks for the holidays! He always stays in the family room, so this afternoon, after work, I decided it needed a little attention. There were some books piled up (like poor HP#7) that haven't made it into a bookshelf yet. I pulled out some old college books--turns out the kids have never really needed to put their hands on any Flaubert or the collected works of John Donne. These move to the basement shelves, making it quite the literary looking space.

As my hands started shifting books along the shelves to make room for the half dozen I had to put in, I realized I was shifting alphabetically, automatically! Am I the only one? I've always alphabetized my books, but strictly by bookcase, not the whole room or anything.


crossons said...

wow. I'm impressed. I am so organizationally challenged, I'm not sure I could alphabetize my books if I tried!

When you're done there, come on over! :-)

(not to totally put myself down - in spite of my incredible disorganization, I can usually find books when I need them as long as I was the one that put them away!)

julienj said...

I used to keep my books carefully separated by section - kids', fiction, nonfiction, Classics - and then alphabetized within section. After our last move (9 years ago now!), books just got thrown onto shelves and, for the most part, have stayed where they were put. I alphabetized my Classics books because I need to be able to find things; otherwise, I generally have an idea where individual titles are, but every so often I'm surprised to find that I own a book that I didn't know I had!

Sara said...

With my move to Chicago, I've been inspired by my sister to impose some sense of order on my shelves and I have put my books in alphabetical order qne separated my fiction and non-fiction. Also inspired by more older, more organized sibling, I have a "to be read shelf."

Unfortunately, my collection keeps expanding - curse those newly close indie Chicago bookstores and those Border's coupons - and I will soon have to re-arrange or cull the herd.


julienj said...

I just went to look at the study, where most of the books are housed, and things are worse than I thought. Although the picture books are all in one area (not in the study, BTW), the rest of the kids' books are split up: my childhood books (also not in the study), books A has read, and books A has not read. Except for some, like the HP books, which are scattered amongst the other shelves. Most of my "to be read" books are together, except for the ones that aren't. My shelves are different heights, so some books can only fit on certain shelves; bigger books are all together, and smaller paperbacks are all together. And so on. Sigh.